Viscosity Tech Days: Guatemala City
Join us this January 25 and 26 for :
Emerging Technology and Application Development
sponsored by Oracle Users Group Guatemala 
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8:00 - 17:00
Limited availability so register now* 
Auditorium Torre II y salones 205 y 206 Torre III, Edificio Campus TEC Zona 4, Ciudad Guatemala. 
It's a Presencial Event!!!

Register now, FREE Event


Join us for Happy Hour!

At the end of the first day of the event you can join us and all the speakers panel for a happy hour event and spend a great time together at "El Principe Gris" located in "La Casa del Águila"  just a few minutes walking from Campus TEC. 

Session Topics

Viscosity is excited to bring Viscosity Tech Days to Guatemala City! We have some of the best technologists on cloud, emerging technologies, and application development lined up for you during our two-day event with two sessions every hour. We hope to host you on one or both days and look forward to showing you why clients turn to Viscosity for their technology solutions!


Oracle APEX, APEX Cloud Service, Oracle APEX API, Web Modules.

Oracle Cloud and Multi-Cloud, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Google Cloud. 

Database Security using Docker Secrets, Data and Database Portability.


Breakfast and Lunch are FREE!

Viscosity will be providing both meals for the 2 days of the event!


Learn from industry experts

Join our speakers for a discussion and Q&A about how they’ve created winning strategies with our clients.


Charles Kim

CEO & Co-Founder


Oracle ACE Director


Jerry Ward




Rich Niemiec



Oracle Ace Director 

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Craig Shallahamer

Applied AI Scientist

Viscosity & OraPub

Oracle Ace Director


Sean Scott

Principal Consultant


Oracle ACE


Gary Gordhamer

Principal Consultant


Oracle ACE


Julio Ayapan

DBA Admin


Oracle ACE Associate


Erik Espinoza

APEX Director



Tim Gorman

Principal Cloud Solution Architect - Data & AI



Deiby Gómez

Data Consultant

Red Phill Analytics

Oracle ACE Director


Roy Salazar

Oracle Database Consultant


Oracle ACE 


Anibal García

Presidente del Oracle Users Group Guatemala

Database Consultant


Victor Orozco

 Java Consultant



Francisco Aroche




Cesar Hernandez

Senior Software Engineer 




Charles Kim

CEO & Co-Founder


Oracle Ace Director

Top 5 Considerations for Migrating Databases to Oracle Cloud

Join us in this educational session as we help you navigate and plan moving your databases to Oracle Cloud, along with useful tips before considering database as a service, infrastructure as a service or platform as a service options for your critical applications.

In this session, we will discuss Oracle’s Cloud strategy, migration paths to your journey to the cloud, and discuss hidden gems in Oracle Cloud to simplify adoption. In this session, we will share impact caused by:

  • The autonomous database (ATP, ADW)
  • Exadata Cloud Service (ExaCS), Exadata Cloud @Customer (ExaCC)
  • Discuss why ExaCC may be the right solution for you
  • Oracle Cloud VMware Solutions (OCVS)
  • Database Cloud Service
  • Oracle Support Credits
  • License model changes

Whether you belong to a large enterprise or a one-man startup, cloud based databases are now a reality or part your short term technology roadmap. 

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Craig Sallahamer

Applied AI Scientist

Viscosity & OraPub

Building Your First Industry Standard Machine Learning Project

There is lots of talk about how everyone is being impacted by machine learning. But, how can those of us in IT use machine learning (ML) in our work?

Instead of TALKING about the two most common ML applications (anomaly detection and performance prediction), in this two part series, I am going to SHOW you how to build a simple but powerful realtime Oracle Average Active Session predictor.

In Part 1 of this series, I will do a very simple demonstration and then introduce some fundamental ML concepts; the process, features, labels, preprocessing, time series data, supervised learning decision trees, model build and evaluation.

In Part 2 of this series, I will transform the simple demonstration into a real time predictor and walk you through the system step-by-step.

After these two presentations, you will be in a position to begin your ML journey, including what skills you need to develop, the resources available and how ML can be embedded into your systems.

As a bonus, all the demonstrations I do, you can do too! Thanks to the Google Colab environment, all you need to get started is a Gmail account.


Sean Scott

Principal Consultant


Oracle Ace 

Data and Database Portability in Docker

Databases have always been a hurdle in application development. Data refreshes are time consuming and require down time and coordination. Legacy environments balance the risk of working with stale data against the effort and inconvenience of returning the database to a baseline. Even modern agile shops struggle with this task, engineering complex processes or buying hardware and software solutions to manage their test data. The difficulty lies in the way databases, configurations, and data blend together. Traditionally, navigating that complexity is left to the database administrator.

Docker changes that and holds the potential to revolutionize database development. With Docker, it's no longer necessary to master database internals and commands to create, manage, or refresh databases. In this session I'll show you how to use Docker to:

  • Create data artifacts
  • Start new databases in seconds using saved baselines
  • Save, version, and distribute data sets in your organization
  • Integrate databases as full members of existing CI/CD pipelines
  • Test with confidence and avoid uncertainty introduced by data drift
  • Speed application development and reduce time spent provisioning database assets

...and all without a single database command!

Database Security using Docker Secrets
Running databases or database clients in containers may unintentionally expose credentials and proprietary data. Information passed through runtime arguments, saved in Dockerfiles, or copied during image builds is persisted and visible. Commit those assets to public repositories like GitHub or Docker Hub and you've shared those secrets with the world. Fortunately, there is a way to protect private information in images and containers that integrates seamlessly with existing workflows—Docker Secrets!

In this session I'll demonstrate how Docker Secrets protects passwords, configurations, and other confidential information when building images and running containers. You will learn:
• How attributes are mapped and exposed during build and run operations
• Common misconceptions surrounding data handling and persistence during image builds
• Techniques for securing and managing sensitive files and data using Docker Secrets
• Methods of implementing secrets into existing code and processes
While this session focuses on implementing Docker Secrets to protect databases, the information can be applied equally to any container application that uses or stores privileged information.


Gary Gordhamer

Principal Consultant


Oracle Ace 

“Tune that SQL” now what do I do?

Tuning SQL statements in Oracle is more of an art than a science.  In this session we will cover the basic tools and steps to tuning a SQL statement.  Starting with finding the SQL statement and collecting the right information.  How does the Optimizer work to transform SQL into an execution plan?  What information is an execution plan is trying to show?  Finally, what are some of the things that can be tuned as well as tools Oracle has provided to make things easier.  If you are new to tuning SQL in Oracle or trying to freshen up your skills, this session should have enough information for everyone.

Deep dive into SQL tuning

Have you had that one SQL statement that you just couldn’t figure out what the Oracle optimizer was thinking?  In this session we will take a deep dive into doing a trace and talk about some of the sledgehammer methods to influence the optimizer.  You may not find the solution to that one nagging SQL but we will cover how the optimizer frustrated you so.  Using these tools along with Oracle’s SQL Plan Management or Profiles you may be able to achieve your goals.

Many developers do not understand how to dig into SQL beyond the basic explain plan. Here we will cover the somewhat gory details of going deep inside how the optimizer is making decisions.


Erik Espinoza

APEX Director


APEX Developers Workflow

In this session, we will go over a proven workflow for apex developers to effectively manage the life cycle of solutions built with APEX.

Attendees will be shown how to version control APEX applications and APEX Backend code with the popular Git version control system to then continuously integrate and continuously deploy/deliver entire solutions with the click of a button using the integration server Jenkins.

This workflow has been proven in dozens of projects for customers improving the management of APEX applications life cycle and CI/CD.

We will review the use of the following technologies:

  • APEX export files
  • Liquibase
  • Git
  • Jenkins

Emanuel Cifuentes

Solution Architect


APEX Developers Workflow

In this session, we will go over a proven workflow for apex developers to effectively manage the life cycle of solutions built with APEX.

Attendees will be shown how to version control APEX applications and APEX Backend code with the popular Git version control system to then continuously integrate and continuously deploy/deliver entire solutions with the click of a button using the integration server Jenkins.

This workflow has been proven in dozens of projects for customers improving the management of APEX applications life cycle and CI/CD.

We will review the use of the following technologies:

  • APEX export files
  • Liquibase
  • Git
  • Jenkins

Diego Fion

Solution Architect


 Moviéndonos a APEX Cloud Service

¡APEX Cloud Service es fantástico! Provee ambientes de desarrollo rápidamente sin preocuparnos de las configuraciones especificas de la base de datos que contendrá Oracle o del servidor de aplicación que nos dará acceso al APEX builder.

Sin embargo, hay algunos conceptos que usuarios comunes e incluso avanzados no poseen con este tipo de servicio, tales como:

  • Acceso físico al servidor de base de datos
  • Completa autonomía en el manejo de la base de datos donde se encuentra instalado APEX
  • Acceso al manejo de configuración de correo electrónico proveniente de APEX
  • Diferenciación entre usuarios (Desarrolladores de APEX, administradores de espacios de trabajo APEX y usuarios APEX)

En esta sesión, conoceremos cubriremos los conceptos necesarios para tener una transición mas efectiva a APEX Cloud Service


Julio Ayapan

DBA Adminstrator


Oracle ACE Associate

Fundamentals of Azure SQL Database

A medida que Microsoft continúa mejorando su plataforma Azure, muchos administradores y desarrolladores de bases de datos están comenzando a comprender uno de los valores fundamentales de la computación en la nube: la flexibilidad.

Comprender las principales diferencias entre SQL Server y SQL Database es el primer paso para crear aplicaciones de computación en la nube que puedan escalar y aprovechar la flexibilidad de la plataforma.

Esta presentación se basa en la base de datos SQL de Microsoft Azure, explicara cómo funciona la plataforma de la base de datos SQL, analizara sus fortalezas y proporcionara una descripción general de las múltiples opciones de SQL Database que ofrece Azure.

Comprenderemos qué abarca la plataforma como servicio (PaaS, IaaS, SaaS) y cómo se compara con un entorno de SQL Server tradicional, comprenderemos los beneficios que obtenemos cuando migramos a la nube y cómo las empresas individuales pueden aprovechar la base de datos SQL para sus negocios.

También analizaremos algunos de los casos de uso predominantes para aprovechar las bases de datos SQL y finalizaremos con una demostración de una implementación de SQL Database en Azure.


HeatWave: Real-time Analytics for MySQL Database Service on OCI

HeatWave es un acelerador de consultas en memoria masivamente paralelo y de alto rendimiento para Oracle MySQL Database Service que acelera el rendimiento de MySQL para análisis y cargas de trabajo mixtas.

El servicio de base de datos MySQL con HeatWave en Oracle Cloud Infrastructure está 100% desarrollado, administrado y respaldado por Oracle. Este servicio se basa en un motor de análisis en memoria innovador que está diseñado para la escalabilidad y el rendimiento y está optimizado para el hardware de Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

En esta sesión cubriremos los fundamentos de HeatWave y Oracle MySQL Database Service en Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Analizaremos las ventajas del servicio y como este servicio nacido en la nube permite a una organización extraer todo el potencial de su entorno MySQL.


Luis Flores

Senior Software Developer


How to integrate into APEX with Web Modules

Have you ever wanted to connect your own applications and workflow to any external tool like Microsoft 365?
Wanted to use SSO with Facebook, Microsoft or Google? that's easy to accomplish with Social sing on Oracle APEX.
Using Oracle APEX web source modules features you will be able to get all your data in one place.

We have integrated several services into Oracle APEX like:

  • Microsoft SSO
  • Microsoft Calendar
  •  Microsoft One Drive/SharePoint
  • QuickBook

Tim Gorman

Principal Cloud Solution Architect - Data & AI


Fundamentals of Oracle in Azure 

There are many misconceptions in the Oracle community about Microsoft Azure cloud.  Some think everything in Azure runs on Windows and only Microsoft software is there.

Azure is a cloud with IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS solutions, and Azure supports everything, and supports it well.  It is the 2nd largest cloud globally behind AWS, and is catching up to AWS quickly.


Deiby Gómez

Data Consultant

Red Phill Analytics

Oracle ACE Director

Experiencias aprendidas con Fivetran, Snowflake y DBT

En esta charla se compartirán varias lecciones prácticas aprendidas luego de trabajar en proyectos grandes de ELT involucrando tecnologías tales como Oracle Database, Fivetran, Snowflake y DBT. Implicaciones conectando Nubes entre estas soluciones, buenas prácticas de seguridad y rendimiento.


Roy Salazar

Oracle Database Consultant


Oracle ACE

Rogue One  (2021): Mejores prácticas de seguridad de bases de datos Oracle, con DBSAT y DataSafe"

En esta charla vamos a ver las recomendaciones básicas y generales para tener un ambiente de base de datos más seguro, también vamos a ver algunas de las nuevas características enfocadas a mejor seguridad desde la versión 12c hasta la 21c, para finalmente explicar detalladamente como utilizar las herramientas DBSAT y DataSafe para evaluación de la configuración a nivel de seguridad de nuestros ambientes de bases de datos Oracle y evaluación de datos sensibles para cumplimiento de estándares como el GDPR y similares.

Esta es una charla amenizada con algunas referencias de StarWars Rougue One, muy cargada de conocimiento útil y muchos links para ahondar aún más en tópicos que dan para su estudio a profundidad, además de links para laboratorios gratis en la Nube de Oracle OCI.


Anibal García

Presidente del Oracle Users Group Guatemala

Database Consultant

Análisis de Rendimiento en Ambientes de Base de Datos

Panel que muestra como identificar e interpretar los indicadores de rendimiento en los ambientes de Base de Datos Transacionales o Data Warehouse.


Victor Orozco

 Java Consultant


Microservicios con Oracle Kubernetes Engine y GraalVM Native

En los últimos años hemos observado la popularidad de las plataformas "cloud first", siendo las los microservicios y serverless las principales herramientas para su implementación. En esta línea Kubernetes se ha convertido en el estandar de facto para el despliegue de microservicios Cloud Native, lo cual ha obligado a plataformas tradicionales como Java a adaptarse a los requerimientos de velocidad de arranque y consumo de memoria.

En esta charla exploraremos brevemente GraalVM Native como alternativa al Java tradicional para la creación de microservicios, conociendo sus fortalezas y debilidades con demostraciones prácticas sobre Oracle Kubernetes Engine.


Francisco Aroche



Containers 101 - Welcome to Containers world

Join us to do a review of cloud-native technologies and focus on containers concepts and how they have changed the way to deploy applications.  We also work with them during the presentation with a hands-on including basics commands to manage and deploy existing containers and of course, start one of them from scratch.


Cesar Hernandez

Senior Software Engineer 


7 recomendaciones para migrar tus aplicaciones de Java empresarial a Jakarta EE con TomEE

En esta sesión los asistentes verán 7 recomendaciones y estrategias para navegar el proceso de migración de una aplicación escrita en Java EE 7 hacia Jakarta EE 9.1 utilizando Apache TomEE para las demostraciones. Con la migración del paquete javax a jakarta en Jakarta EE 9 y el soporte para el tiempo de ejecución de Java SE 11 en Jakarta EE 9.1, existe contexto suficiente para abordar aspecto técnicos y estratégicos de las aplicaciones Java empresarial hacia el camino cloud-native.

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